Voyage with Us....

Our Current Courses
The Rainbow Connection
CourseThis Voyage is an exploration of THE TONES OF THE RAINBOW Explore the Tones of the Musical Scale, The Seed Sounds/Bija Mantras, and Vowel Sounds as tools for Rainbow Light Body activation.
Pre-order available now!
The Rainbow Rays of Solar Light
CourseExplore the Rainbow Rays of Light Sunlight is encoded with the colors rays of the rainbow. Each ray delivers a certain code, a certain frequency. Learn light body technology to assist you in receiving integrating the sunlight, the life force.
Equinox Sonics - Magnetics & Plasma Flows ~ March 18
CourseEquinox Soundscape Cosmic Sonic Light & Color Scapes to bring you into harmony. Come into Tune with Cosmic Sonic Technology Rainbow Crystal Bowls -Sonic Tones - Andara Light Temple Space
Sonic Alchemy of the Dragon & The Phoenix
CourseRing in Lunar New Year Join us on this first New Moon of the Lunar Year for Sonic Alchemy of the Dragon & The Phoenix Online Gathering Friday February 9 at 5:55 pm EST
What is My Light Body?
CourseA dive into the Light Body - what it is, why it is important, what it means to activate and illuminate it. Tend to it, make it a priority!!
Andara Playground
CourseAndara Playground A place to play and share in the wonder, magic and DeLiGHT of the Andaras We will explore together how to use Andaras as Light encoded team mates for LightKeeping, GridKeeping, Crystalline Consciousness Communications