The Rainbow Rays of Light

    1. The Rainbow Rays of Solar Light

    2. Sun As Source

    3. Communicating with the Light Rays

    1. RED

    2. ORANGE

    3. YELLOW

    4. GREEN

    5. BLUE

    6. INDIGO

    7. VIOLET

    8. WHITE

    9. Copy of RED

    1. Paper, Pen, Paint

    2. Dress Yourself in Light - Wardrobe Pieces for Invoking Rainbow Rays

    3. Using Crystals or Stones

    4. Using Andaras for Rainbow Light Ray Transmission

    1. The Rainbow Rays of Light - Activation Video

    1. Using Andaras to Activate Your Rainbow Light Body

    2. Rainbow Andara Sets available in our Live As Light shop

    3. Rainbow Light Body Journey with Julie (special Voyager rate)

About this course

  • $33.00
  • 20 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content